class LibXML::XML::Node

Nodes are the primary objects that make up an XML document. The node class represents most node types that are found in an XML document (but not LibXML::XML::Attributes, see LibXML::XML::Attr). It exposes libxml’s full API for creating, querying moving and deleting node objects. Many of these methods are documented in the DOM Level 3 specification found at:



Public Class Methods

XML::Node.initialize(name, content = nil, namespace = nil) → XML::Node click to toggle source

Creates a new element with the specified name, content and namespace. The content and namespace may be nil.

static VALUE rxml_node_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  VALUE name;
  VALUE content;
  VALUE ns;
  xmlNodePtr xnode = NULL;
  xmlNsPtr xns = NULL;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &name, &content, &ns);

  name = rb_obj_as_string(name);

  if (!NIL_P(ns))
    Data_Get_Struct(ns, xmlNs, xns);

  xnode = xmlNewNode(xns, (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(name));

  if (xnode == NULL)

  // Link the ruby wrapper to the underlying libxml node
  RDATA(self)->data = xnode;

  // Ruby is in charge of managing this node's memory
  rxml_node_manage(xnode, self);

  if (!NIL_P(content))
    rxml_node_content_set(self, content);

  return self;
XML::Node.new_cdata(content = nil) → XML::Node click to toggle source

Create a new CDATA node, optionally setting the node’s content.

static VALUE rxml_node_new_cdata(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE content = Qnil;
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &content);

  if (NIL_P(content))
    xnode = xmlNewCDataBlock(NULL, NULL, 0);
    content = rb_obj_as_string(content);
    xnode = xmlNewCDataBlock(NULL, (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(content), (int)RSTRING_LEN(content));

  if (xnode == NULL)

  return rxml_node_wrap(xnode);
XML::Node.new_comment(content = nil) → XML::Node click to toggle source

Create a new comment node, optionally setting the node’s content.

static VALUE rxml_node_new_comment(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE content = Qnil;
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &content);

  if (NIL_P(content))
    xnode = xmlNewComment(NULL);
    content = rb_obj_as_string(content);
    xnode = xmlNewComment((xmlChar*) StringValueCStr(content));

  if (xnode == NULL)

  return rxml_node_wrap(xnode);
XML::Node.new_pi(name, content = nil) → XML::Node click to toggle source

Create a new pi node, optionally setting the node’s content.

static VALUE rxml_node_new_pi(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
  VALUE name = Qnil;
  VALUE content = Qnil;
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &name, &content);

  if (NIL_P(name))
    rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "You must provide me with a name for a PI.");
  name = rb_obj_as_string(name);
  if (NIL_P(content))
    xnode = xmlNewPI((xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(name), NULL);
    content = rb_obj_as_string(content);
    xnode = xmlNewPI((xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(name), (xmlChar*) StringValueCStr(content));

  if (xnode == NULL)

  return rxml_node_wrap(xnode);
XML::Node.new_text(content) → XML::Node click to toggle source

Create a new text node.

static VALUE rxml_node_new_text(VALUE klass, VALUE content)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  Check_Type(content, T_STRING);
  content = rb_obj_as_string(content);

  xnode = xmlNewText((xmlChar*) StringValueCStr(content));

  if (xnode == NULL)

  return rxml_node_wrap(xnode);

Public Instance Methods

curr_node << "Some text" click to toggle source
curr_node << node

Add the specified text or XML::Node as a new child node to the current node.

If the specified argument is a string, it should be a raw string that contains unescaped XML special characters. Entity references are not supported.

The method will return the current node.

static VALUE rxml_node_content_add(VALUE self, VALUE obj)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  VALUE str;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  /* XXX This should only be legal for a CDATA type node, I think,
   * resulting in a merge of content, as if a string were passed
   * danj 070827
  if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, cXMLNode))
    rxml_node_modify_dom(self, obj, xmlAddChild);
    str = rb_obj_as_string(obj);
    if (NIL_P(str) || TYPE(str) != T_STRING)
      rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "invalid argument: must be string or XML::Node");

    xmlNodeAddContent(xnode, (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(str));
  return self;

Test equality between the two nodes. Two nodes are equal if they are the same node.

Alias for: eql?
property("name") → "string" click to toggle source
node["name"] → "string"

Obtain the named property.

static VALUE rxml_node_attribute_get(VALUE self, VALUE name)
  VALUE attributes = rxml_node_attributes_get(self);
  return rxml_attributes_attribute_get(attributes, name);
node["name"] = "string" click to toggle source

Set the named property.

static VALUE rxml_node_property_set(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE value)
  VALUE attributes = rxml_node_attributes_get(self);
  return rxml_attributes_attribute_set(attributes, name, value);
attribute?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an attribute node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
207 def attribute?
208   node_type == ATTRIBUTE_NODE
209 end
attribute_decl?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an attribute declaration node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
212 def attribute_decl?
213   node_type == ATTRIBUTE_DECL
214 end
attributes → attributes click to toggle source

Returns the XML::Attributes for this node.

static VALUE rxml_node_attributes_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  return rxml_attributes_new(xnode);
attributes?() click to toggle source

Determines whether this node has attributes

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
 9 def attributes?
10   attributes.length > 0
11 end
base_uri → "uri" click to toggle source

Obtain this node’s base URI.

static VALUE rxml_node_base_uri_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlChar* base_uri;
  VALUE result = Qnil;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  if (xnode->doc == NULL)
    return (result);

  base_uri = xmlNodeGetBase(xnode->doc, xnode);
  if (base_uri)
    result = rxml_new_cstr( base_uri, NULL);

  return (result);
base_uri = "uri" click to toggle source

Set this node’s base URI.

static VALUE rxml_node_base_uri_set(VALUE self, VALUE uri)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  Check_Type(uri, T_STRING);
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  if (xnode->doc == NULL)
    return (Qnil);

  xmlNodeSetBase(xnode, (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(uri));
  return (Qtrue);
blank? -> (true|false) click to toggle source

Determine whether this node is an empty or whitespace only text-node.

static VALUE rxml_node_empty_q(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  if (xnode == NULL)
    return (Qnil);

  return ((xmlIsBlankNode(xnode) == 1) ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
Also aliased as: empty?
cdata?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an CDATA node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
217 def cdata?
218   node_type == CDATA_SECTION_NODE
219 end
Alias for: first
Alias for: first?
children() click to toggle source

Returns this node’s children as an array.

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
131 def children
132   entries
133 end
Alias for: first?
clone() click to toggle source

Create a shallow copy of the node. To create a deep copy call Node#copy(true)

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
15 def clone
16   copy(false)
17 end
comment?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an comment node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
222 def comment?
223   node_type == COMMENT_NODE
224 end
content → "string" click to toggle source

Obtain this node’s content as a string.

static VALUE rxml_node_content_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlChar *content;
  VALUE result = Qnil;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  content = xmlNodeGetContent(xnode);
  if (content)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(content, NULL);

  return result;
content = "string" click to toggle source

Set this node’s content to the specified string.

static VALUE rxml_node_content_set(VALUE self, VALUE content)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlChar* encoded_content;

  Check_Type(content, T_STRING);
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  encoded_content = xmlEncodeSpecialChars(xnode->doc, (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(content));
  xmlNodeSetContent(xnode, encoded_content);
  return (Qtrue);
context(namespaces=nil) → XPath::Context click to toggle source

Returns a new XML::XPathContext for the current node.

Namespaces is an optional array of XML::NS objects

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
53 def context(nslist = nil)
54   if not self.doc
55     raise(TypeError, "A node must belong to a document before a xpath context can be created")
56   end
58   context =
59   context.node = self
60   context.register_namespaces_from_node(self)
61   context.register_namespaces_from_node(self.doc.root)
62   context.register_namespaces(nslist) if nslist
63   context
64 end
copy → XML::Node click to toggle source

Creates a copy of this node. To create a shallow copy set the deep parameter to false. To create a deep copy set the deep parameter to true.

static VALUE rxml_node_copy(VALUE self, VALUE deep)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlNodePtr xcopy;
  int recursive = (deep == Qnil || deep == Qfalse) ? 0 : 1;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  xcopy = xmlCopyNode(xnode, recursive);

  if (xcopy)
    return rxml_node_wrap(xcopy);
    return Qnil;
debug → true|false click to toggle source

Print libxml debugging information to stdout. Requires that libxml was compiled with debugging enabled.

static VALUE rxml_node_debug(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  xmlDebugDumpNode(NULL, xnode, 2);
  return Qtrue;
  rb_warn("libxml was compiled without debugging support.");
  return Qfalse;
doc → document click to toggle source

Obtain the XML::Document this node belongs to.

static VALUE rxml_node_doc(VALUE self)
  xmlDocPtr xdoc = NULL;
  xmlNodePtr xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  switch (xnode->type)
    xdoc = (xmlDocPtr)((xmlAttrPtr) xnode->doc);
    xdoc = xnode->doc;

  if (xdoc == NULL)
    return (Qnil);

  return (VALUE)xdoc->_private;
docbook_doc?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an docbook node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
227 def docbook_doc?
228   node_type == DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE
229 end
doctype?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an doctype node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
232 def doctype?
233   node_type == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
234 end
document?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an document node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
237 def document?
238   node_type == DOCUMENT_NODE
239 end
dtd?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an DTD node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
242 def dtd?
243   node_type == DTD_NODE
244 end
dup → XML::Node click to toggle source

Create a shallow copy of the node. To create a deep copy call Node#copy(true)

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
43 def dup
44   copy(false)
45 end
each → XML::Node click to toggle source

Iterates over this node’s children, including text nodes, element nodes, etc. If you wish to iterate only over child elements, use XML::Node#each_element.

doc ='model/books.xml')
doc.root.each {|node| puts node}
static VALUE rxml_node_each(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlNodePtr xcurrent;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  xcurrent = xnode->children;

  while (xcurrent)
    /* The user could remove this node, so first stache
       away the next node. */
    xmlNodePtr xnext = xcurrent->next;

    xcurrent = xnext;
  return Qnil;
Also aliased as: each_child
each_attr() { |attr| ... } click to toggle source

——- Traversal —————- Iterates over this node’s attributes.

doc ='model/books.xml')
doc.root.each_attr {|attr| puts attr}
    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
103 def each_attr
104   attributes.each do |attr|
105     yield(attr)
106   end
107 end
Alias for: each
each_element() { |node| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates over this node’s child elements (nodes that have a node_type == ELEMENT_NODE).

doc ='model/books.xml')
doc.root.each_element {|element| puts element}
    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
114 def each_element
115   each do |node|
116     yield(node) if node.node_type == ELEMENT_NODE
117   end
118 end
element?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an element node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
247 def element?
248   node_type == ELEMENT_NODE
249 end
element_decl?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an element declaration node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
257 def element_decl?
258   node_type == ELEMENT_DECL
259 end
empty? → (true|false)

Determine whether this node is an empty or whitespace only text-node.

Alias for: blank?
entity?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an entity node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
252 def entity?
253   node_type == ENTITY_NODE
254 end
entity_ref?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an entity reference node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
262 def entity_ref?
263   node_type == ENTITY_REF_NODE
264 end
eql?(other_node) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Test equality between the two nodes. Two nodes are equal if they are the same node.

static VALUE rxml_node_eql_q(VALUE self, VALUE other)
  if (self == other)
    return Qtrue;
  else if (NIL_P(other))
    return Qfalse;
    xmlNodePtr xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
    xmlNodePtr xnode_other = rxml_get_xnode(other);
    return xnode == xnode_other ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
Also aliased as: ==
find(namespaces=nil) → XPath::XPathObject click to toggle source

Return nodes matching the specified xpath expression. For more information, please refer to the documentation for XML::Document#find.

Namespaces is an optional array of XML::NS objects

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
74 def find(xpath, nslist = nil)
75   self.context(nslist).find(xpath)
76 end
find_first(namespaces=nil) → XML::Node click to toggle source

Return the first node matching the specified xpath expression. For more information, please refer to the documentation for the find method.

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
84 def find_first(xpath, nslist = nil)
85   find(xpath, nslist).first
86 end
first → XML::Node click to toggle source

Returns this node’s first child node if any.

static VALUE rxml_node_first_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  if (xnode->children)
    return (rxml_node_wrap(xnode->children));
    return (Qnil);
Also aliased as: child
first?() click to toggle source

Determines whether this node has a first node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
126 def first?
127   not first.nil?
128 end
Also aliased as: child?, children?
fragment?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is a fragment node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
267 def fragment?
268   node_type == DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE
269 end
html_doc?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is a html document node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
272 def html_doc?
273   node_type == HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE
274 end
inner_xml → "string" click to toggle source
inner_xml(:indent => true, :encoding => 'UTF-8', :level => 0) → "string"

Converts a node’s children to a string representation. To include the node, use XML::Node#to_s. For more information about the supported options, see XML::Node#to_s.

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
26 def inner_xml(options =
27   io = nil
28   self.each do |node|
29     xml = node.to_s(options)
30     # Create the string IO here since we now know the encoding
31     io = create_string_io(xml) unless io
32     io << xml
33   end
35   io ? io.string : nil
36 end
lang → "string" click to toggle source

Obtain the language set for this node, if any. This is set in XML via the xml:lang attribute.

static VALUE rxml_node_lang_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlChar *lang;
  VALUE result = Qnil;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  lang = xmlNodeGetLang(xnode);

  if (lang)
    result = rxml_new_cstr( lang, NULL);

  return (result);
lang = "string" click to toggle source

Set the language for this node. This affects the value of the xml:lang attribute.

static VALUE rxml_node_lang_set(VALUE self, VALUE lang)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  Check_Type(lang, T_STRING);
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  xmlNodeSetLang(xnode, (xmlChar*) StringValuePtr(lang));

  return (Qtrue);
last → XML::Node click to toggle source

Obtain the last child node of this node, if any.

static VALUE rxml_node_last_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  if (xnode->last)
    return (rxml_node_wrap(xnode->last));
    return (Qnil);
last?() click to toggle source

Determines whether this node has a last node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
146 def last?
147   not last.nil?
148 end
line_num → num click to toggle source

Obtain the line number (in the XML document) that this node was read from. If default_line_numbers is set false (the default), this method returns zero.

static VALUE rxml_node_line_num(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  long line_num;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  line_num = xmlGetLineNo(xnode);
  if (line_num == -1)
    return (Qnil);
    return (LONG2NUM((long) line_num));
name → "string" click to toggle source

Obtain this node’s name.

static VALUE rxml_node_name_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  const xmlChar *name;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  switch (xnode->type)
    xmlDocPtr doc = (xmlDocPtr) xnode;
    name = doc->URL;
    xmlAttrPtr attr = (xmlAttrPtr) xnode;
    name = attr->name;
    xmlNsPtr ns = (xmlNsPtr) xnode;
    name = ns->prefix;
    name = xnode->name;

  if (xnode->name == NULL)
    return (Qnil);
    return (rxml_new_cstr( name, NULL));
name = "string" click to toggle source

Set this node’s name.

static VALUE rxml_node_name_set(VALUE self, VALUE name)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  const xmlChar *xname;

  Check_Type(name, T_STRING);
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  xname = (const xmlChar*)StringValuePtr(name);

        /* Note: calling xmlNodeSetName() for a text node is ignored by libXML. */
  xmlNodeSetName(xnode, xname);

  return (Qtrue);
namespace?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is a namespace node (not if it has a namepsace)

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
278 def namespace?
279   node_type == NAMESPACE_DECL
280 end
namespacess → XML::Namespaces click to toggle source

Returns this node’s XML::Namespaces object, which is used to access the namespaces associated with this node.

   # File lib/libxml/node.rb
94 def namespaces
95   @namespaces ||=
96 end
next → XML::Node click to toggle source

Returns the next sibling node if one exists.

static VALUE rxml_node_next_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  if (xnode->next)
    return (rxml_node_wrap(xnode->next));
    return (Qnil);
next = node click to toggle source

Adds the specified node as the next sibling of the current node. If the node already exists in the document, it is first removed from its existing context. Any adjacent text nodes will be merged together, meaning the returned node may be different than the original node.

static VALUE rxml_node_next_set(VALUE self, VALUE next)
  return rxml_node_modify_dom(self, next, xmlAddNextSibling);
next?() click to toggle source

Determines whether this node has a next node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
136 def next?
137   not
138 end
type → num click to toggle source

Obtain this node’s type identifier.

static VALUE rxml_node_type(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  return (INT2NUM(xnode->type));
node_type_name() click to toggle source

Returns this node’s type name

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
154 def node_type_name
155   case node_type
156     # Most common choices first
157     when ATTRIBUTE_NODE
158       'attribute'
159     when DOCUMENT_NODE
160       'document_xml'
161     when ELEMENT_NODE
162       'element'
163     when TEXT_NODE
164       'text'
166     # Now the rest
167     when ATTRIBUTE_DECL
168       'attribute_decl'
170       'cdata'
171     when COMMENT_NODE
172       'comment'
174       'document_docbook'
176       'fragment'
178       'doctype'
179     when DTD_NODE
180       'dtd'
181     when ELEMENT_DECL
182       'elem_decl'
183     when ENTITY_DECL
184       'entity_decl'
185     when ENTITY_NODE
186       'entity'
187     when ENTITY_REF_NODE
188       'entity_ref'
190       'document_html'
191     when NAMESPACE_DECL
192       'namespace'
193     when NOTATION_NODE
194       'notation'
195     when PI_NODE
196       'pi'
197     when XINCLUDE_START
198       'xinclude_start'
199     when XINCLUDE_END
200       'xinclude_end'
201     else
202       raise(UnknownType, "Unknown node type: %n", node.node_type);
203   end
204 end
notation?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is a notation node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
283 def notation?
284   node_type == NOTATION_NODE
285 end
output_escaping = true|false click to toggle source
output_escaping = true|false
output_escaping = true|false

Controls whether this text node or the immediate text node children of an element or attribute node escapes their output. Any other type of node will simply ignore this operation.

Text nodes which are added to an element or attribute node will be affected by any previous setting of this property.

static VALUE rxml_node_output_escaping_set(VALUE self, VALUE value)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  switch (xnode->type) {
    xnode->name = (value != Qfalse && value != Qnil) ? xmlStringText : xmlStringTextNoenc;
      const xmlChar *name = (value != Qfalse && value != Qnil) ? xmlStringText : xmlStringTextNoenc;
      xmlNodePtr tmp;
      for (tmp = xnode->children; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
        if (tmp->type == XML_TEXT_NODE)
          tmp->name = name;
    return Qnil;

  return (value!=Qfalse && value!=Qnil) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
output_escaping? → (true|false) click to toggle source
output_escaping? → (true|false|nil)
output_escaping? → (true|false|nil)
output_escaping? → (nil)

Determine whether this node escapes it’s output or not.

Text nodes return only true or false. Element and attribute nodes examine their immediate text node children to determine the value. Any other type of node always returns nil.

If an element or attribute node has at least one immediate child text node and all the immediate text node children have the same output_escaping? value, that value is returned. Otherwise, nil is returned.

static VALUE rxml_node_output_escaping_q(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  switch (xnode->type) {
    return xnode->name==xmlStringTextNoenc ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
      xmlNodePtr tmp = xnode->children;
      const xmlChar *match = NULL;

      /* Find the first text node and use it as the reference. */
      while (tmp && tmp->type != XML_TEXT_NODE)
        tmp = tmp->next;
      if (! tmp)
        return Qnil;
      match = tmp->name;

      /* Walk the remaining text nodes until we run out or one doesn't match. */
      while (tmp && (tmp->type != XML_TEXT_NODE || match == tmp->name))
        tmp = tmp->next;

      /* We're left with either the mismatched node or the aggregate result. */
      return tmp ? Qnil : (match==xmlStringTextNoenc ? Qfalse : Qtrue);
    return Qnil;
parent → XML::Node click to toggle source

Obtain this node’s parent node, if any.

static VALUE rxml_node_parent_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  if (xnode->parent)
    return (rxml_node_wrap(xnode->parent));
    return (Qnil);
parent?() click to toggle source

Determines whether this node has a parent node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
121 def parent?
122   not parent.nil?
123 end
path → path click to toggle source

Obtain this node’s path.

static VALUE rxml_node_path(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlChar *path;
  VALUE result = Qnil;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  path = xmlGetNodePath(xnode);

  if (path)
    result = rxml_new_cstr( path, NULL);

  return result;
pi?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is a processiong instruction node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
288 def pi?
289   node_type == PI_NODE
290 end
prev → XML::Node click to toggle source

Obtain the previous sibling, if any.

static VALUE rxml_node_prev_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlNodePtr node;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  switch (xnode->type)
    node = NULL;
    xmlAttrPtr attr = (xmlAttrPtr) xnode;
    node = (xmlNodePtr) attr->prev;
    node = xnode->prev;

  if (node == NULL)
    return (Qnil);
    return (rxml_node_wrap(node));
prev = node click to toggle source

Adds the specified node as the previous sibling of the current node. If the node already exists in the document, it is first removed from its existing context. Any adjacent text nodes will be merged together, meaning the returned node may be different than the original node.

static VALUE rxml_node_prev_set(VALUE self, VALUE prev)
  return rxml_node_modify_dom(self, prev, xmlAddPrevSibling);
prev?() click to toggle source

Determines whether this node has a previous node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
141 def prev?
142   not prev.nil?
143 end
remove! → node click to toggle source

Removes this node and its children from the document tree by setting its document, parent and siblings to nil. You can add the returned node back into a document. Otherwise, the node will be freed once any references to it go out of scope.

static VALUE rxml_node_remove_ex(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  // Now unlink the node from its parent

  // Ruby now manages this node
  rxml_node_manage(xnode, self);

  // Now return the removed node so the user can do something with it
  return self;
sibling = node click to toggle source

Adds the specified node as the end of the current node’s list of siblings. If the node already exists in the document, it is first removed from its existing context. Any adjacent text nodes will be merged together, meaning the returned node may be different than the original node.

static VALUE rxml_node_sibling_set(VALUE self, VALUE sibling)
  return rxml_node_modify_dom(self, sibling, xmlAddSibling);
space_preserve → (true|false) click to toggle source

Determine whether this node preserves whitespace.

static VALUE rxml_node_space_preserve_get(VALUE self)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);
  return (INT2NUM(xmlNodeGetSpacePreserve(xnode)));
space_preserve = true|false click to toggle source

Control whether this node preserves whitespace.

static VALUE rxml_node_space_preserve_set(VALUE self, VALUE value)
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  if (value == Qfalse)
    xmlNodeSetSpacePreserve(xnode, 0);
    xmlNodeSetSpacePreserve(xnode, 1);

  return (Qnil);
text?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is a text node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
293 def text?
294   node_type == TEXT_NODE
295 end
to_s → "string" click to toggle source
to_s(:indent => true, :encoding => 'UTF-8', :level => 0) → "string"

Converts a node, and all of its children, to a string representation. To include only the node’s children, use the the XML::Node#inner_xml method.

You may provide an optional hash table to control how the string is generated. Valid options are:

:indent - Specifies if the string should be indented. The default value is true. Note that indentation is only added if both :indent is true and XML.indent_tree_output is true. If :indent is set to false, then both indentation and line feeds are removed from the result.

:level - Specifies the indentation level. The amount of indentation is equal to the (level * number_spaces) + number_spaces, where libxml defaults the number of spaces to 2. Thus a level of 0 results in 2 spaces, level 1 results in 4 spaces, level 2 results in 6 spaces, etc.

:encoding - Specifies the output encoding of the string. It defaults to XML::Encoding::UTF8. To change it, use one of the XML::Encoding encoding constants.

static VALUE rxml_node_to_s(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
  VALUE result = Qnil;
  VALUE options = Qnil;
  xmlNodePtr xnode;
  xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encodingHandler;
  xmlOutputBufferPtr output;

  int level = 0;
  int indent = 1;
  const xmlChar *xencoding = (const xmlChar*)"UTF-8";

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &options);

  if (!NIL_P(options))
    VALUE rencoding, rindent, rlevel;
    Check_Type(options, T_HASH);
    rencoding = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("encoding")));
    rindent = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("indent")));
    rlevel = rb_hash_aref(options, ID2SYM(rb_intern("level")));

    if (rindent == Qfalse)
      indent = 0;

    if (rlevel != Qnil)
      level = NUM2INT(rlevel);

    if (rencoding != Qnil)
      xencoding = (const xmlChar*)xmlGetCharEncodingName((xmlCharEncoding)NUM2INT(rencoding));
      if (!xencoding)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Unknown encoding value: %d", NUM2INT(rencoding));

  encodingHandler = xmlFindCharEncodingHandler((const char*)xencoding);
  output = xmlAllocOutputBuffer(encodingHandler);

  xnode = rxml_get_xnode(self);

  xmlNodeDumpOutput(output, xnode->doc, xnode, level, indent, (const char*)xencoding);

  if (output->conv)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xmlBufContent(output->conv), xencoding);
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xmlBufContent(output->buffer), xencoding);
  if (output->conv)
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xmlBufferContent(output->conv), xencoding);
    result = rxml_new_cstr(xmlBufferContent(output->buffer), xencoding);

  return result;
xinclude_end?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an xinclude end node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
298 def xinclude_end?
299   node_type == XINCLUDE_END
300 end
xinclude_start?() click to toggle source

Specifies if this is an xinclude start node

    # File lib/libxml/node.rb
303 def xinclude_start?
304   node_type == XINCLUDE_START
305 end