class LibXML::XML::Writer

The XML::Writer class provides a simpler, alternative way to build a valid XML document from scratch (forward-only) compared to a DOM approach (based on XML::Document class).

For a more in depth tutorial, albeit in C, see

Public Class Methods

XML::Writer::document → XML::Writer click to toggle source

Creates a XML::Writer which will write into an in memory XML::Document

static VALUE rxml_writer_doc(VALUE klass)
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;

    rwo = ALLOC(rxml_writer_object);
    rwo->buffer = NULL;
    rwo->output = Qnil;
    rwo->closed = 0;
    rwo->encoding = rb_utf8_encoding();
    rwo->output_type = RXMLW_OUTPUT_DOC;
    if (NULL == (rwo->writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0)))
    rwo->output = rxml_document_wrap(doc);

    return rxml_writer_wrap(rwo);
XML::Writer::file(path) → XML::Writer click to toggle source

Creates a XML::Writer object which will write XML into the file with the given name.

static VALUE rxml_writer_file(VALUE klass, VALUE filename)
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;

    rwo = ALLOC(rxml_writer_object);
    rwo->output = Qnil;
    rwo->buffer = NULL;
    rwo->closed = 0;
    rwo->encoding = rb_utf8_encoding();
    rwo->output_type = RXMLW_OUTPUT_NONE;
    if (NULL == (rwo->writer = xmlNewTextWriterFilename(StringValueCStr(filename), 0)))

    return rxml_writer_wrap(rwo);
XML::Writer::io(io) → XML::Writer click to toggle source

Creates a XML::Writer which will write XML directly into an IO object.

static VALUE rxml_writer_io(VALUE klass, VALUE io)
    xmlOutputBufferPtr out;
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;

    rwo = ALLOC(rxml_writer_object);
    rwo->output = io;
    rwo->buffer = NULL;
    rwo->closed = 0;
    rwo->encoding = rb_enc_get(io);
    if (!rwo->encoding)
        rwo->encoding = rb_utf8_encoding();

    rwo->output_type = RXMLW_OUTPUT_IO;

    xmlCharEncodingHandlerPtr encodingHdlr = xmlFindCharEncodingHandler(rwo->encoding->name);
    if (NULL == (out = xmlOutputBufferCreateIO(rxml_writer_write_callback, NULL, (void*)rwo, encodingHdlr)))
    if (NULL == (rwo->writer = xmlNewTextWriter(out)))

    return rxml_writer_wrap(rwo);
XML::Writer::string → XML::Writer click to toggle source

Creates a XML::Writer which will write XML into memory, as string.

static VALUE rxml_writer_string(VALUE klass)
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;

    rwo = ALLOC(rxml_writer_object);
    rwo->output = Qnil;
    rwo->closed = 0;
    rwo->encoding = rb_utf8_encoding();
    rwo->output_type = RXMLW_OUTPUT_STRING;
    if (NULL == (rwo->buffer = xmlBufferCreate()))
    if (NULL == (rwo->writer = xmlNewTextWriterMemory(rwo->buffer, 0)))

    return rxml_writer_wrap(rwo);

Public Instance Methods

end_attribute → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends an attribute, namespaced or not. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_attribute(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndAttribute);
end_cdata → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current CDATA section. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_cdata(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndCDATA);
end_comment → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current comment, returns false on failure. Note: libxml2 >= 2.6.7 required

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_comment(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndComment);
end_document → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current document. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_document(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndDocument);
end_dtd → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current DTD, returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_dtd(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndDTD);
end_dtd_attlist → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current DTD attribute list, returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_dtd_attlist(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndDTDAttlist);
end_dtd_element → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current DTD element, returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_dtd_element(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndDTDElement);
end_dtd_entity → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current DTD entity, returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_dtd_entity(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndDTDEntity);
end_element → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current element, namespaced or not. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_element(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndElement);
end_pi → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current processing instruction. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_end_pi(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterEndPI);
flush(empty? = true) → (num|string) click to toggle source

Flushes the output buffer. Returns the number of written bytes or the current content of the internal buffer for a in memory XML::Writer. If empty? is true, and for a in memory XML::Writer, this internel buffer is empty.

static VALUE rxml_writer_flush(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    int ret;
    VALUE empty;
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &empty);

    rwo = rxml_textwriter_get(self);
    if (-1 == (ret = xmlTextWriterFlush(rwo->writer)))

    if (NULL != rwo->buffer)
        VALUE content;

        content = rb_external_str_new_with_enc((const char*)rwo->buffer->content, rwo->buffer->use, rwo->encoding);
        if (NIL_P(empty) || RTEST(empty))
        { /* nil = default value = true */

        return content;
        return INT2NUM(ret);
write_full_end_element → (true|false) click to toggle source

Ends current element, namespaced or not. Returns false on failure. This method writes an end tag even if the element is empty (<foo></foo>), end_element does not (<foo/>).

static VALUE rxml_writer_full_end_element(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterFullEndElement);
result → (XML::Document|"string"|nil) click to toggle source

Returns the associated result object to the XML::Writer creation. A String for a XML::Writer object created with XML::Writer::string, a XML::Document with XML::Writer::document, etc.

static VALUE rxml_writer_result(VALUE self)
    VALUE ret = Qnil;
    rxml_writer_object* rwo = rxml_textwriter_get(self);
    int bytesWritten = xmlTextWriterFlush(rwo->writer);

    if (bytesWritten == -1)

    switch (rwo->output_type)
        ret = rwo->output;
        ret = rb_external_str_new_with_enc((const char*)rwo->buffer->content, rwo->buffer->use, rwo->encoding);
        rb_bug("unexpected output");

    return ret;
set_indent(indentation) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Toggles indentation on or off. Returns false on failure.

Availability: libxml2 >= 2.6.5

static VALUE rxml_writer_set_indent(VALUE self, VALUE indentation)
    int ret;
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;

    rwo = rxml_textwriter_get(self);
    ret = xmlTextWriterSetIndent(rwo->writer, RTEST(indentation));

    return (-1 == ret ? Qfalse : Qtrue);
set_indent_string(string) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Sets the string to use to indent each element of the document. Don’t forget to enable indentation with set_indent. Returns false on failure.

Availability: libxml2 >= 2.6.5

static VALUE rxml_writer_set_indent_string(VALUE self, VALUE indentation)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, indentation, xmlTextWriterSetIndentString);
set_quote_char(...) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Sets the character used to quote attributes. Returns false on failure.


  • only “ (default) and ‘ characters are valid

  • availability: libxml2 >= 2.9.0

static VALUE rxml_writer_set_quote_char(VALUE self, VALUE quotechar)
    int ret;
    const char* xquotechar;
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;

    rwo = rxml_textwriter_get(self);
    xquotechar = StringValueCStr(quotechar);
    ret = xmlTextWriterSetQuoteChar(rwo->writer, (xmlChar)xquotechar[0]);

    return (-1 == ret ? Qfalse : Qtrue);
start_attribute(name) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts an attribute. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_attribute(VALUE self, VALUE name)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, name, xmlTextWriterStartAttribute);
start_attribute_ns(prefix, name, namespaceURI) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a namespaced attribute. Returns false on failure.

Note: by default, the xmlns: definition is repeated on every element. If you want the prefix, but don’t want the xmlns: declaration repeated, set namespaceURI to nil or omit it. Don’t forget to declare the namespace prefix somewhere earlier.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_attribute_ns(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE prefix, name, namespaceURI;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &prefix, &name, &namespaceURI);

    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 3, xmlTextWriterStartAttributeNS, prefix, name, namespaceURI);
start_cdata → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a new CDATA section. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_cdata(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterStartCDATA);
start_comment → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a comment. Returns false on failure. Note: libxml2 >= 2.6.7 required

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_comment(VALUE self)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_void(self, xmlTextWriterStartComment);
start_document → (true|false) click to toggle source
start_document(:encoding → XML::Encoding::UTF_8,
:standalone => true) → (true|false)

Starts a new document. Returns false on failure.

You may provide an optional hash table to control XML header that will be generated. Valid options are:

  • encoding: the output document encoding, defaults to nil (= UTF-8). Valid

values are the encoding constants defined on XML::Encoding

  • standalone: nil (default) or a boolean to indicate if the document is

standalone or not

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_document(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    int ret;
    VALUE options = Qnil;
    rxml_writer_object* rwo;
    const xmlChar* xencoding = NULL;
    const char* xstandalone = NULL;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &options);
    if (!NIL_P(options))
        VALUE encoding, standalone;

        encoding = standalone = Qnil;
        Check_Type(options, T_HASH);
        encoding = rb_hash_aref(options, sEncoding);
        xencoding = NIL_P(encoding) ? NULL : (const xmlChar*)xmlGetCharEncodingName(NUM2INT(encoding));
        standalone = rb_hash_aref(options, sStandalone);
        if (NIL_P(standalone))
            xstandalone = NULL;
            xstandalone = RTEST(standalone) ? "yes" : "no";
    rwo = rxml_textwriter_get(self);
    rwo->encoding = rxml_figure_encoding(xencoding);
    ret = xmlTextWriterStartDocument(rwo->writer, NULL, (const char*)xencoding, xstandalone);

    return (-1 == ret ? Qfalse : Qtrue);
start_dtd(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a DTD. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_dtd(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE name, pubid, sysid;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &name, &pubid, &sysid);

    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 3, xmlTextWriterStartDTD, name, pubid, sysid);
start_dtd_attlist(name) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a DTD attribute list (<!ATTLIST … >). Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_dtd_attlist(VALUE self, VALUE name)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, name, xmlTextWriterStartDTDAttlist);
start_dtd_element(qualifiedName) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a DTD element (<!ELEMENT … >). Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_dtd_element(VALUE self, VALUE name)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, name, xmlTextWriterStartDTDElement);
start_dtd_entity(name, pe = false) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a DTD entity (<!ENTITY … >). Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_dtd_entity(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE name, pe;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &name, &pe);
    if (NIL_P(pe))
        pe = Qfalse;

    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, pe, 1, xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity, name);
start_element(name) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a new element. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_element(VALUE self, VALUE name)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, name, xmlTextWriterStartElement);
start_element_ns(prefix, name, namespaceURI) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a new namespaced element. Returns false on failure.

Note: by default, the xmlns: definition is repeated on every element. If you want the prefix, but don’t want the xmlns: declaration repeated, set namespaceURI to nil or omit it. Don’t forget to declare the namespace prefix somewhere earlier.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_element_ns(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE prefix, name, namespaceURI;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &prefix, &name, &namespaceURI);

    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 3, xmlTextWriterStartElementNS, prefix, name, namespaceURI);
start_pi(target) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Starts a new processing instruction. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_start_pi(VALUE self, VALUE target)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, target, xmlTextWriterStartPI);
write_attribute(name, content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full attribute, all at once. Returns false on failure. Same as start_attribute(name) + write_string(content) + end_attribute.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_attribute(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 2, xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute, name, content);
write_attribute_ns(prefix, name, namespaceURI, content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full namespaced attribute, all at once. Returns false on failure. Same as start_attribute_ns(prefix, name, namespaceURI) + write_string(content) + end_attribute.


  • by default, the xmlns: definition is repeated on every element. If you want

the prefix, but don’t want the xmlns: declaration repeated, set namespaceURI to nil or omit it. Don’t forget to declare the namespace prefix somewhere earlier.

  • content can be omitted too for an empty attribute

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_attribute_ns(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE prefix, name, namespaceURI, content;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22", &prefix, &name, &namespaceURI, &content);

    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 4, xmlTextWriterWriteAttributeNS, prefix, name, namespaceURI, content);
write_cdata(content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full CDATA section, all at once. Returns false on failure. This is equivalent to start_cdata + write_string(content) + end_cdata.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_cdata(VALUE self, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, content, xmlTextWriterWriteCDATA);
write_comment(content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full comment tag, all at once. Returns false on failure. This is equivalent to start_comment + write_string(content) + end_comment.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_comment(VALUE self, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, content, xmlTextWriterWriteComment);
write_dtd(name [ [ [, publicId ], systemId ], subset ]) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a DTD, all at once. Returns false on failure.

  • name: dtd name

  • publicId: external subset public identifier, use nil for a SYSTEM doctype

  • systemId: external subset system identifier

  • subset: content


writer.write_dtd 'html'
  #=> <!DOCTYPE html>
writer.write_dtd 'docbook', nil, ''
  #=> <!DOCTYPE docbook SYSTEM "">
writer.write_dtd 'html', '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN', ''
  #=> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
writer.write_dtd 'person', nil, nil, '<!ELEMENT person (firstname,lastname)><!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>'
  #=> <!DOCTYPE person [<!ELEMENT person (firstname,lastname)><!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT lastname (#PCDATA)>]>
static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE name, pubid, sysid, subset;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &name, &pubid, &sysid, &subset);

    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 4, xmlTextWriterWriteDTD, name, pubid, sysid, subset);
write_dtd_attlist(name, content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a DTD attribute list, all at once. Returns false on failure.

writer.write_dtd_attlist 'id', 'ID #IMPLIED'
static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd_attlist(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 2, xmlTextWriterWriteDTDAttlist, name, content);
write_dtd_element(name, content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full DTD element, all at once. Returns false on failure.

writer.write_dtd_element 'person', '(firstname,lastname)'
  #=> <!ELEMENT person (firstname,lastname)>
static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd_element(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 2, xmlTextWriterWriteDTDElement, name, content);
write_dtd_entity(name, publicId, systemId, ndataid, content, pe) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a DTD entity, all at once. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd_entity(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE pubid, VALUE sysid, VALUE ndataid, VALUE content, VALUE pe)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, pe, 5, xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity, name, pubid, sysid, ndataid, content);
write_dtd_external_entity(name, publicId, systemId, ndataid, pe) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a DTD external entity. The entity must have been started with start_dtd_entity. Returns false on failure.

  • name: the name of the DTD entity

  • publicId: the public identifier, which is an alternative to the system identifier

  • systemId: the system identifier, which is the URI of the DTD

  • ndataid: the xml notation name

  • pe: true if this is a parameter entity (to be used only in the DTD

itself), false if not

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd_external_entity(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE pubid, VALUE sysid, VALUE ndataid, VALUE pe)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, pe, 4, xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity, name, pubid, sysid, ndataid);
write_dtd_external_entity_contents(publicId, systemId, ndataid) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes the contents of a DTD external entity, all at once. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd_external_entity_contents(VALUE self, VALUE pubid, VALUE sysid, VALUE ndataid)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 3, xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntityContents, pubid, sysid, ndataid);
write_dtd_internal_entity(name, content, pe) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a DTD internal entity, all at once. Returns false on failure.


writer.write_dtd_entity 'Shape', '(rect|circle|poly|default)', true
  #=> <!ENTITY % Shape "(rect|circle|poly|default)">
writer.write_dtd_entity 'delta', '&#948;', false
  #=> <!ENTITY delta "&#948;">
static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd_internal_entity(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE content, VALUE pe)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, pe, 2, xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity, name, content);
write_dtd_notation(name, publicId, systemId) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a DTD entity, all at once. Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_dtd_notation(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE pubid, VALUE sysid)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 3, xmlTextWriterWriteDTDNotation, name, pubid, sysid);
write_element(name, content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full element tag, all at once. Returns false on failure. This is equivalent to start_element(name) + write_string(content) + end_element.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_element(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE name, content;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &name, &content);
    if (Qnil == content)
        if (Qfalse == rxml_writer_start_element(self, name))
            return Qfalse;
        return rxml_writer_end_element(self);
        return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 2, xmlTextWriterWriteElement, name, content);
write_element_ns(prefix, name, namespaceURI, content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full namespaced element tag, all at once. Returns false on failure. This is a shortcut for start_element_ns(prefix, name, namespaceURI) + write_string(content) + end_element.


  • by default, the xmlns: definition is repeated on every element. If you want

the prefix, but don’t want the xmlns: declaration repeated, set namespaceURI to nil or omit it. Don’t forget to declare the namespace prefix somewhere earlier.

  • content can be omitted for an empty tag

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_element_ns(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE prefix, name, namespaceURI, content;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22", &prefix, &name, &namespaceURI, &content);
    if (Qnil == content)
        VALUE argv[3] = { prefix, name, namespaceURI };

        if (Qfalse == rxml_writer_start_element_ns(ARRAY_SIZE(argv), argv, self))
            return Qfalse;
        return rxml_writer_end_element(self);
        return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 4, xmlTextWriterWriteElementNS, prefix, name, namespaceURI, content);
write_pi(target, content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes a full CDATA tag, all at once. Returns false on failure. This is a shortcut for start_pi(target) + write_string(content) + end_pi.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_pi(VALUE self, VALUE target, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_va_strings(self, Qundef, 2, xmlTextWriterWritePI, target, content);
write_raw(content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Writes the string content as is, reserved characters are not translated to their associated entities. Returns false on failure. Consider write_string to handle them.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_raw(VALUE self, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, content, xmlTextWriterWriteRaw);
write_string(content) → (true|false) click to toggle source

Safely (problematic characters are internally translated to their associated named entities) writes a string into the current node (attribute, element, comment, …). Returns false on failure.

static VALUE rxml_writer_write_string(VALUE self, VALUE content)
    return numeric_rxml_writer_string(self, content, xmlTextWriterWriteString);